Untitled (black and white photograph)

Y Pues Nada

June 19, 2022 Paul Politis 0

“We have not chosen this time. We cannot help it if we are born as men of the early winter of full Civilization, instead of […]

Double Negative, Ottawa, February 21, 2021 (black and white photograph)

Say Yes

December 11, 2021 Paul Politis 0

“There are two worlds; or rather, two distinct ways of looking at the same world. And they can be called (for convenience) the Inspired and […]

Birds on Rooftop (black and white photograph)

Birds on a rooftop

June 17, 2021 Paul Politis 0

“Complete isolation — that is what the Outsider is driving at. He knows that, if he could only achieve it, there is a completely different […]