Say Yes

Double Negative (black and white photograph)
Untitled (black and white photograph) by Paul Politis
Double Negative (black and white photograph)
Double Negative (black and white photograph) by Paul Politis

“There are two worlds; or rather, two distinct ways of looking at the same world. And they can be called (for convenience) the Inspired and the Uninspired. It is the task of the artist to connect them.”
— Colin Wilson, The Outsider

“Photography is a holding together of opposites: Light and dark, beautiful and ugly, sublime and banal, conscious and unconscious. I am still struck by the power of photography to strip away the bark of the mind and reveal the visceral workings underneath.”
— Jack Welpott

The challenge for artists is just as it is for everyone else: to face facts and somehow come up with a yes, to try for alchemy.
– Robert Adams

Echo (black and white photograph)
Echo (black and white photograph) by Paul Politis