Ottawa, September 1, 2023

In arbitrary space

February 13, 2024 Paul Politis 0

“The only attitude worthy of a superior man is to persist in an activity he recognizes is useless, to observe a discipline he knows is […]

Ottawa, July 23, 2023

Tale of a houseplant

January 30, 2024 Paul Politis 0

“Formerly, yes, art and culture, and the Apollonian and the Dionysian and all that, seemed terribly important. But today I’m satisfied if I can turn […]

Ottawa, March 9, 2023

Winter scene

January 23, 2024 Paul Politis 0

Reading Rosshalde by Hermann Hesse. “He did not think about it, he deadened his thoughts with constant work. His feeling was: you can go at […]

Ottawa, July 4, 2023 (photograph) by Paul Politis


January 6, 2024 Paul Politis 0

“Despite my alienation from myself at that moment, and even though I was nothing but a battleground for invisible forces, I was aware of every […]

Ottawa, July 5, 2023 (photograph) by Paul Politis


December 4, 2023 Paul Politis 0

“The pleasure we derive from the representation of the present is due not merely to the beauty with which it can be invested but also […]